How to Research for a Blog Post – Do It Like a Pro

Knowing how to conduct a good study is probably one of the most crucial things when you’re a writer. But, if you’re still not sure what’s the best way to do it, you will undoubtedly be looking for suggestions on how to research for a blog post and draw your target audience. This step is something to think about, especially if your work doesn’t have organic visibility.

Exploring everything needed for your posts will require a valid system and organization. This means you have to make a plan and collect trustworthy resources. However, don’t forget to check out your competition too. Lastly, considering the importance of search engine optimization, having a helping hand from a professional SEO marketing agency will make the entire process smooth. 

Why It’s Important to Know How to Research for a Blog Post

Presently, there are around 1.9 billion web pages, and according to the growth rate, there will be two billion in no more than a year. So, writing an engaging blog post nowadays is more important than ever. After all, you want to succeed and get people to your website. That’s where the right blog research and only the best SEO marketing services come in. 

Researching won’t always require you to spend many hours studying or bury your face in a stack of dusty old books. In fact, this is a clear definition of research that anybody can understand: it is the process of finding and analyzing information and evidence.

When starting all kinds of blogs and before composing articles, researching properly will allow you to back up the claims you make (usually done with images, links, quotes, or actual examples). Here are other advantages of a thorough study:

  • Your credibility and dependability with the reader increase,
  • It speeds up your writing and marketing because the concepts are already well-structured,
  • It inspires concepts for new material.

All writers who want to write articles online should think about ranking their work highly and give readers the most up-to-date information on a topic. In order to do that, indeed, an analysis is needed. 

Time Breakdown for Creating a Blog Post
All of your posts should be professionally researched 

Having a Valid System Is the Key 

You most likely landed on high-quality sources by accident because they all appear highly in the search results on your search engine. Sometimes, perhaps you simply chose well by accident! But you don’t want to take the chance and lose your reputation as a good content writer.

To consistently identify and choose the finest source, you must implement some sort of system. You’ll enhance both your writing process and output as a result. There are several reasons why you must understand how to do an investigation for a blog article:

  • Actual facts have more weight than assertions of fact,
  • It helps to strengthen your ideas if you sprinkle your articles with facts, cases, tales, and examples,
  • It is quite valuable to have proof that the information you are expressing is correct and current,
  • An original and unique article can be created by being aware of what is currently available.

How Many Research Hours Are Enough?

Consider that a person spends, on average, 3.5 hours to create an online article. But what does that mean when it comes to actual investigation and gathering all the needed information? Every professional SEO services agency will advise you to spend a minimum of 40 minutes researching.

Depending on the subject and style of the article, you’ll require a different number of sources. This can take a bit more of your time, but three to four excellent sources per key topic will often be sufficient.

One guy portrait working from home sitting on the sofa
Like everything, you want to succeed, and that requires time and patience

Create a Plan and Make a Blog Goal Before Writing About the Wanted Topic

Above all things, having a plan is a must. Defining and composing the posts will be much easier when you have all the procedures you must follow. For creators, the investigation process can often turn into a big black hole. One site will link to many more that are worth looking into after posing the first question. When you’re interested in the subject, getting lost in a sea of data is simple.

Because of this, it is crucial to have a distinct end objective in order to determine when all analysis may be completed. You can proceed to the following stage of composing the post once you are clear on the article’s core premise, the points that must be made, and how to support each one. 

You don’t have to be an expert on a subject to create an informative essay. The key is to find and use the appropriate elements along with a content marketing agency. So, let’s check how to achieve a streamlined approach.

Explore and clarify your ideas

The best place to start your analysis once the idea is created is to ask yourself the following two questions: What background knowledge do you have on this subject, and what queries do you have in regard to it? Besides saving you a lot of time, clarifying your thoughts and inquiries will help you provide information that will be helpful to others. You’ll end up with a product that closely resembles what others have produced if you start by instantly examining what they’ve done.

Your posts will be unique according to your point of view, knowledge, and knowledge gaps. Start by writing down some of your ideas. You can do it in a physical notebook or your phone notes. The main objective is to put everything that is on your mind in one place so that you can examine it and determine where the opportunities are.

Decide what content you will write

Consider the value you will add to the material and how you may stand out from the blogs of your rivals. A purpose for your article should be written and pointed out. Include your company’s distinct content vision, the benefits content offers, the audiences it reaches, and the values it upholds. Make a decision regarding the stuff you’ll publish while keeping everything in mind.

Figure out who will be your target audience

Your blog’s readers might not always end up purchasing your goods. Make sure to understand the preferences of each member of your audience so you can figure out how to attract them with material that is both targeted and optimized by an SEO digital marketing agency.

Search and Collect Valid Sources

After you’ve jotted down your topic-related thoughts and inquiries, the following stage is to look for and store resources, including articles, videos, photographs, and any other relevant content. The key is to check what has already been written about the topic you want to write about. It can help you understand the entire topic better and even give you some ideas on how to actually start with the entire process. 

To do that, use the easiest way – google it. In fact, most frequently, authors will start by searching for what they need on But sometimes, it could seem like you’re looking for a needle in a haystack. Thankfully, you may “get rid of the excess hay by utilizing search operators.” You can add these quick commands to your searches for more targeted results.

Don’t spend too much time reading every single article or watching all the videos, especially if you have an organic SEO agency by your side to help you. Spend just enough time to confirm its applicability before adding it to the collection. You’ll have the chance to explore the resources you’ve obtained in the following stage.

Pretty Caucasian businesswoman sitting at coffee shop and working on her laptop.
People should read articles with the right and correct data

How Can You Know if a Resource Is Reliable? 

The longer you conduct your study, the more adeptly you’ll be able to identify excellent resources and steer clear of subpar ones. But when you initially start, these three inquiries will be helpful:

  • Was this published recently, or how long ago?
  • Who wrote and posted it? Are they well-known in the field?
  • Where is the information located (on a reliable website or another location)?

Always keep reliable resources in mind, no matter if you use tools like Google or any other. When someone says “reliable resources,” it refers to the best-known and most respectable business websites, blogs, podcasts, online magazines, news websites, and blogs written by gurus (or subject-matter experts). 

Recognized organizations and government websites are also reliable resources. Although this could seem like a piece of cake, be sure to have a professional and affordable SEO agency to help you with every step of this exciting journey.

Check How to Research and Find Reliable Sources

The quality of your source is one of the things that affect your overall credibility as a content writer. Business-wise, it is crucial that your potential clients, partners, and prospects view you as a reliable content writer. Additionally, the critical part is to make your competitors see your credibility. If they are reliable, they might endorse your offerings or request you to collaborate, which is excellent for promotion. Additionally, you can receive speaking invitations from conference planners, proprietors of training facilities, and college instructors.

Verify a source’s credibility online, for example, on Google, by doing the following:

  • Examine the author – go to their resume by doing a name search. Have they demonstrated success in the field you’re writing about in their career? In which locations did they write or speak? Have they written a book that has seen a lot of print runs? Do they own a popular podcast that is regularly read by many people? Additionally, look at their social media presence. Do they enjoy respect on the platform? They could, for instance, be a Top Voice on LinkedIn.
  • Check the author’s website – look closely at the “About” page to see whether the author is a business or a guru. Do gurus have a crew supporting them when they are at work? When they do, it’s a positive sign.
  • Check their source – take a look at some of the published works so far. Does the information fit the criteria for credibility that we discussed earlier? If not, you should speculate about their E-A-T (expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness) or avoid using them as your source altogether.

People who are working in this kind of industry or those who use services from a digital content agency have to be aware of the importance of credibility. After all, you want to have more people on your page but maintain the existing audience, too.  

Smiling young female entrepreneur going through paperwork while working on a laptop at her dining room table at home
 Be certain that the source you plan to use is legitimate

Check Out the Competition

The final stage before creating your strategy is to review the writing that your rivals have done on the subject at hand. In certain circumstances, you could have already run across their work when conducting your study. For example, while researching on Google. 

In order to identify any crucial details you might have missed, look at your competitors’ blogs and social media accounts when researching the topic. Even if you plan to approach the topic from a completely different perspective, you can still discover a hole that has to be filled.

Analyze Competitor’s Keyword Search and Blog Focus 

First, visit the blogs of your competitors and look through the categories to determine their main areas of interest. Every experienced content strategy agency will tell you to do that, so don’t think it’s something inappropriate to do. 

It’s important to keep an eye on your tags and, if you can, filter them to determine which categories are also most common in their writings. Any of these categories or tags can be the main subjects used by your competitors. If they are consistent with your approach and have enough volume, you should add a few of them to your own plan.

keyword optimization
Check your competitor’s articles and analyze them

With the Right Research and Professional SEO Agency, You’ll Write Like a Pro

As you can see, researching blogs can be a rather difficult job to do on your own. If you wish to learn how to do research for a blog post, you will find the best SEO agency to help you grow your business. Having a reliable and efficient social media marketing agency to be by your side at every step makes everything so much easier, which is why Made Online is the best solution for you.

Don’t waste your time, and contact us right away. Our team will have one-on-one meetings and get you a custom-made plan for your business. After all, we’re there to assist you, so let’s start the journey together. 

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