What Is the Role of Digital Marketing for Plastic Surgery Clinics?

What Is the Role of Digital Marketing for Plastic Surgery Clinics?

As a plastic surgeon, you undoubtedly realize the importance of quality services – but being the expert at what you do isn’t enough to develop a successful practice. You need to find a way to spread the word about your work, and that’s precisely what digital marketing for plastic surgery is here for. Digital marketing is a crucial aspect of every good clinic’s work – so let’s break down the key roles of plastic surgery marketing strategies.

Digital Marketing for Plastic Surgery Is the Key to Enhancing Visibility and Finding Patients

Did you know that nearly 5% of Google searches are health-related? Online search drives three times more patients to medical institutions compared to non-search ways of finding a healthcare provider. The power of search engines is undeniable – this is a fool-proof method of increasing your patient base. Medicine is one of countless industries that need digital marketing. So, why not use all that the online world has to offer for your business? 

Whether your practice is a small business just starting or you’ve been around for years, you need a digital advertising agency to help you out. With the help of skilled marketers, you can boost your visibility, reach more people than you thought possible, and gain plenty of new patients. 

Our team at Made Online knows how to curate the perfect plastic surgery digital marketing strategy. But before we tell you why we’re the right marketing agency for the job, let’s talk about the role our marketing services can play in developing your medical brand and the benefits you can expect. 

A tablet with the words "online marketing" on it, a pair of eyeglasses, and a coffee mug
Are you ready to let your medical practice grow? Then, it’s time for digital marketing!

Well-Curated Advertising Strategy Helps You Reach Your Target Audience – The Ideal Patient Profile 

One of the beauties of digital advertising lies in the fact that it can precisely target the right kind of audience you need. This is something you can’t get with traditional marketing – if you set up a billboard, no one can guarantee you that people who see your ad are even remotely interested in plastic surgery. 

However, when it comes to online advertising, marketers know how to reach your ideal patient and persuade them to visit your clinic. It all starts with determining the target audience. Now, you might say that, in this case, it’s all women. Did you know that women account for approximately 94% of all plastic surgery patients? While it’s true women are the majority of patients in this branch of medicine. There needs to be more to tailor an advertising plan. 

Digital Marketers Will Help You Generate More Leads and Convert Them to Loyal Patients 

You need to look beyond the characteristics of a patient – it’s crucial to understand their motivations for getting the surgery, whether it’s rejuvenation, improving self-esteem, or something else entirely. Once you put yourself in their shoes, you will be able to come up with a message that will resonate well and bring patients to your doors. This is exactly what experienced marketers from reliable digital marketing agencies do. 

Woman looking at her phone while working on a laptop
What are your patients looking for? Understanding this will help you reach them easily

Building a Reputation and Your Brand Voice

A well-designed and optimized website and its written content can do a lot for your brand. Digital marketing offers a wealth of opportunities to create a reputation as a reliable, trustworthy surgeon. Experienced marketers can use their knowledge to present you and your clinic in a way you want to be seen and help you come up with your unique brand voice. If you decide to entrust our team at Made Online with your marketing strategy, we will listen to your ideas and concerns to ensure we get the exact results you want. 

Strategies That Will Make Patients Trust You 

Online advertising gives you a chance to introduce future patients to your work and help them decide which surgeries are the right choice for them. You can do this by providing them with information on the services you offer and describing them. This is a tried method that helps increase your trustworthiness – being transparent about what you offer and how you can achieve it is always a good sign in the eye of a patient. 

The Opportunity to Educate and Establish Yourself as an Expert in Your Field 

Apart from writing about the services your clinic offers, your website can contain plenty of educational content on plastic surgery or your subspecialty in the field. Blogs on topics that interest an average plastic surgery patient can help drive leads to your website, which can convert to new patients. Anyone who knows how content marketing works and why it is important can tell you that online users prefer to choose services based on engaging content writing as opposed to classic ads. 

It’s not all about blog posts though – you can educate via social media platforms as well. This is a great way to present yourself to the public and build your reputation. It will help you get recognized as an expert in what you do, which will naturally draw more people to your clinic.  

The Chance to Showcase Your Patient Reviews 

Both your website and social media platforms are great places to post reviews from previous patients. It’s easy to understand why reviews are crucial for success in any field, and plastic surgery is no exception. In fact, one may argue that reviews are more important in medicine than in many other industries. 

Positive testimonials offer assurance that your clinic can provide an adequate level of care and desired results. They are the foundation of a surgeon’s credibility and often the leading factor when deciding whether to entrust your appearance to a plastic surgeon in question. 

people with laptop
Reviews are what drives people to you – they confirm your credibility and skillfulness

Cost-Effectiveness Compared to Traditional Marketing 

Online advertising strategies like SEO and PPC offer a much better return on investment when compared to traditional marketing. Thanks to SEO services, your content reaches wide audiences, resulting in a larger number of new patients. 

Not only that, but the content on your website can bring you new leads for as long as it’s live – but you only pay for it once. When it comes to your investment in marketing services, there’s no doubt that it will prove itself to be of excellent value for the money you pay.  

No Matter How Big Is Your Budget, Digital Marketing Can Be of Use 

If you’re an owner of a clinic that’s just starting out, you might be worried there’s not enough in your marketing budget for everything you wish to achieve. This may be true if you rely on traditional advertising, but when it comes to digital marketing, you have nothing to worry about. Even with a small starting budget, you can achieve visible results, and then continue to slowly invest in your online presence. 

Piggy bank with stethoscope isolated on light blue background with copy space. Health care financial checkup or saving for medical insurance costs concept.
Plastic surgery clinics can achieve great results even with smaller advertising budgets

Strong Online Presence Will Set You Apart From the Competition 

The world of plastic surgery is quite diverse, and there are many clinics that may offer the same services as you do. Hopefully, your online presence will be better than theirs, so you’ll be able to stay ahead of the competition in the battle to gain patients. Never underestimate the power of the online world – it’s the first place people go looking for essentially anything they need, including a new surgeon. 

Social Media Presence Will Help You Gain Attention 

The winning combination in the digital marketing world is a good website and a strong social media presence. If you have both – and our team at Made Online can help you get both – you will be unstoppable. Attention to social media is especially important when it comes to plastic surgery clinics. 

The chances are that your potential patients will scroll through your profiles, maybe even before they visit your website. This is where you can showcase your work by posting before and after photos and persuade them to trust you with their appearance. There are numerous platforms, but the most essential ones to focus on are:

  • Instagram, 
  • TikTok, 
  • Facebook, 
  • YouTube. 

You Will Be Able to Connect With Patients in Real Time on Social Media

Inviting your followers to engage with the content you post on social media is a great way to communicate with current and future patients in real-time – and find out what they like or dislike about your clinic. This direct insight can be of great value in adjusting your marketing strategy and increasing your success. 

A woman holding an iPhone with Instagram application on the screen
Social media is a wealth of potential you can tap into to increase your online presence

Which Services From a Digital Advertising Agency Should You Obtain to Start Your Online Journey?

The importance of digital marketing is clear – but it’s not all as simple as it may seem. This is not a journey you can embark on alone, and you’ll need an experienced plastic surgery marketing agency to help you reach your goals – one such as our Made Online. But which services should you obtain? Let’s take a look at the essential ones:

SEO Service 

Search engine optimization is the heart and soul of digital marketing. You can’t achieve much without it, as it’s instrumental in boosting your website’s visibility and organic traffic. Our expert team at Made Online has a few SEO specialists who can ensure your website is properly optimized and set for success. Our work also includes local SEO and YouTube SEO. 

Web Development 

Let our developers create an outstanding website to represent your business. A well-functioning and beautifully crafted in both design and code, your site is the basis on which you build your online presence.

Content Writing 

We have skilled and creative writers with experience in writing medical content, ready to use their talents to your benefit. Worry not. We will create engaging and informative content that will make users want to stick around on your page.

Social Media 

By now you understand the importance of social media for plastic surgery clinics. A dedicated social media manager who keeps up with all the latest trends is just what you need, and Made Online has somebody who can do a great job.

PPC Service 

While it’s not as long-term of an investment as an SEO service, PPC is still an excellent tool to boost your visibility and reach new patients. Of course, PPC ads will need to be optimized, and we can make this happen for you.

Made Online’s Success Story Featuring a Plastic Surgery Clinic From Miami 

Made Online has worked with plastic surgery clinics before – and our hard work has been met with great success. One particular case where we’ve helped the clinic drastically improve its online presence is the work we did for a plastic surgeon based in Miami. The clinic already had a decent-looking website, but it lacked quality content, so its online presence wasn’t good. 

We’ve gotten to work and curated a tailor-made strategy for this clinic. With a combination of SEO-related efforts, including local SEO and plenty of quality content, we’ve managed to boost the clinic’s visibility and increase organic traffic, leading to an increase in new patients and boosting the business. 

Are You Ready to Improve Your Business? Reach Out to Made Online and Our Team Will Help You 

After many years in the game, our SEO marketing agency has seen it all. We’re familiar with all the tricks of the trade, and we would be happy to use our extensive knowledge to help another business bloom and gain better online visibility. Will that business be yours? Made Online is a team of professionals who work closely and dedicate themselves to each and every client. Let us be your partner on the journey to getting made online – contact us today, and let’s schedule a consultation to see where you stand and how we can help you.

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