How to Use Pinterest for Business Purposes

how to use Pinterest for business featured image

In the vast world of social media, Pinterest is one of the platforms that’s often overlooked. If you’re building a business and you’re looking for ways to market it, a quick crash course on how to use Pinterest for business is something you could benefit from. That’s why we’ve taken it upon ourselves to explain all the numerous benefits of using this visual platform and how you can get started with Pinterest marketing.

What Is Pinterest?

Pinterest is a social media platform that works as a visual discovery engine for finding ideas, products, and style inspiration. It looks like a visual pinboard where users can search for images or videos – known as pins – and save them to their profiles. Profiles resemble a pinboard, so it’s easy for users to refer back to them and look up pins they’ve previously saved. 

While you can use Pinterest to create a private account where you can save vacation ideas or outfit ideas, this social media platform is a hidden gem for businesses and creators. Many overlook it when curating their social media strategy, but having a business account on Pinterest should be a part of your digital marketing plan – it can do wonders for your brand. 

What Sets It Apart From Other Social Networks for Businesses?

You’ll often hear marketers talk about the importance of using popular platforms like Instagram or TikTok for businesses, but not everybody will emphasize Pinterest marketing. Why is this the case? Pinterest may not be as “flashy” as some other attractive social media networks, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have value for brand development. In fact, it can offer you longer-lasting benefits and excellent return on investment in social media marketing. 

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It’s especially useful for small businesses that are just starting out and don’t have as much to invest in digital marketing as they would like. But what’s the appeal exactly? Pinterest has about 498 million active users, 84.6 million of which are located in the US. It’s one of the most used social networks in the world. What’s interesting is that it’s very appealing to users who have an intent to purchase – in many cases, a user refers to Pinterest in search of a specific product to buy. If you show them what your business offers, they are likely to make a purchase. 

pinterest purchase statistic

While ads can be quite annoying on other platforms, Pinterest users often find them useful – advertising on Pinterest feels natural, not forced as it can be on other networks. The platform is very popular with Gen Z and women, but there has been an increase in male users since 2021. Year after year, Pinterest has a growth rate of 7.5% – it will be here for a long time, so don’t hesitate to use its potential for your business growth. 

The Benefits of Using Pinterest for Business

As a business owner, you surely understand the importance of driving up traffic on social media. Using Pinterest is no different than any other social media – no different than, let’s say, using Instagram for marketing. The benefits to your business are pretty similar. Still, it can’t hurt to go over them to ensure you are fully aware of the advantages of this outstanding network. 

Boosting Brand Awareness and Increasing Sales of Your Products

Pinterest helps you reach new customers and spread the word about your brand. It’s the perfect place to represent your brand’s aesthetic. Naturally, when your SEO marketing agency plans a Pinterest strategy, they will curate the content to fit your ideal buyer persona – it should always be strictly related to your niche. That will establish you as a reliable source on this network and make users trust your brand. 

As we’ve mentioned before, Pinterest is the go-to place for someone who’s planning to shop. Pinterest users are usually the planning type – they will browse for the perfect product, and once they’ve found it, there’s no dilemma as to whether they should buy it. Therefore, reaching a high number of users will result in increasing sales for your brand. However, you should remember – to get high engagement numbers, you will need social media agency services.

pinterest searches statistic

Driving Traffic to Your Website

One of many great things about this social media platform is that the links are clickable – unlike links on Instagram, for example. This means you can post content and link blog posts from your website and lead the user there, increasing your site’s traffic. It works vice versa as well – you should link a Pinterest account on your website. 

Helping Users Learn About Your Products

Pinterest is a network that’s perfect for educating. Many Pinterest users visit the platform with the intent to start a new project or learn something new. Businesses can utilize this to their advantage. By posting educational content that offers real value to users, you will not only boost your engagement but also make yourself seem reliable and trustworthy – it’s easier to convert someone to a customer if they perceive you this way. 

If you sneak in a bit about your products and showcase how customers can benefit from them – or how your products can solve a certain problem they may have – you will also seamlessly advertise your brand. Remember, using Pinterest is an excellent form of marketing because it feels natural. 

A person looking up ideas on Pinterest on their laptop
Advertising your brand on Pinterest comes with many long-term benefits

Which Businesses Should Have Pinterest?

Experienced marketers can tell you that not all businesses should be advertised the same. Depending on what your product or service is, your social media strategy may vary. Some businesses won’t benefit from Pinterest as much as they would like – but plenty of them will. Let’s take a look at which niches have the best success on this social media platform:

  • Travel, 
  • Beauty, 
  • Wellness and health, 
  • DIY Projects
  • Interior design and home decor, 
  • Design, 
  • Fashion, 
  • Wedding preparation, 
  • Photography,
  • Gardening. 
top 5 pinterest categories

How to Use Pinterest for Business – The Importance of Good SEO Practices 

Just like every other aspect of digital marketing, Pinterest marketing requires a bit of SEO knowledge. Whether it’s incorporating crucial keywords in the titles and descriptions of your pins and boards or adding relevant hashtags, the importance of SEO cannot be underestimated. 

Naturally, you as a business owner can’t be expected to know all the tips and tricks that make up for a good SEO strategy – that’s why you need to rely on the expertise of SEO specialists. Hire an online advertising agency and see for yourself how their knowledge will help your business. Booking SEO marketing services is one of the key steps in growing your online presence – this is where our SEO digital marketing agency, Made Online, comes to the scene. Entrust us with your digital marketing, and we will help your brand get recognized!

Pinterest Is a Long Game – Patience Is the Key to Success

Marketers often emphasize patience as a virtue when it comes to social media and SEO. You can’t expect growth overnight on any platform, but this is especially true for Pinterest. It may take a while to get where you want to be, but that doesn’t mean you’re not headed in the right direction. 

There’s one fun fact about Pinterest that may keep you motivated – Pinterest content often gets engagement years after being posted. You can’t say the same for platforms like TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram. But on Pinterest, if your content is well-optimized, the algorithm will keep pushing it year after year. Therefore, Pinterest content will turn out to be more than worth the investment!

SEO writing in a notebook
SEO is important for every social media platform, including Pinterest

Our SEO Marketing Agency Knows How to Boost Business Growth – Let Us Help You Reach Your Goals

You’ve decided to invest in digital marketing in order to improve the online presence of your brand – so what’s your next step? Of course, it’s time to choose a social media advertising agency. Made Online is the perfect solution for all your advertising needs. 

We have a team of experienced SEO professionals who know how to get the content ranked, and our social media strategists are great at curating efficient strategies for various platforms, including Pinterest. Are you ready to embark on this digital journey with us? Contact us today, and let’s see how our team can help your business grow. 

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