Which Industry Needs Digital Marketing the Most? An In-depth Analysis For Business Owners

Which Industry Needs Digital Marketing the Most? An In-depth Analysis For Business Owners

In today’s dynamic economic landscape, identifying which industry needs digital marketing is crucial for business owners. The market for digital advertising and marketing is expected to grow from its anticipated $667 billion in 2024 to $786.2 billion in 2026. This huge growth underlines its importance and impact across various sectors. Let’s dive into a detailed analysis to uncover which industries can benefit the most from digital marketing.

Which Industry Needs Digital Marketing the Most? 

The industries that need digital marketing the most are entertainment, moving, healthcare, fitness and wellness, and the auto industry. These sectors benefit immensely from targeted strategies that enhance visibility, engage customers, and drive conversions.

Link Building Services in a Nutshell
No matter the industry, the best SEO marketing agency will help you reach the audience

What is Digital Marketing? 

Digital marketing aims to reach, engage, and build relationships with customers online. This happens across a wide range of channels, ultimately influencing customers to make a purchase and then to repeat those in the future. 

It produces remarkable results. That’s why, between 2023 and 2024, businesses increased their digital marketing spending by 10%.

At its core, is SEO, or Search Engine Optimization. It focuses on enhancing your online presence. The goal is to elevate your website’s position in search results naturally, increasing visibility and attracting traffic without paying for each click.

Next, social media marketing leverages platforms like Facebook, or even Instagram, LinkedIn, also TikTok, and Twitter to establish a brand’s presence and engage with a community. It’s about striking a chord with your audience with posts that reflect your brand’s values and mission, not just your products.

Content marketing, on the other hand, focuses on distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent text to attract and retain a clearly defined audience.

How Can Digital Marketing Transform Your Business?

There are many success stories out there. However, Made Online, a digital marketing agency, is most proud to represent its clients’ success. That’s why we’ll go over one of our client’s journeys to success. Here is what we managed to do for Merchant Chimp

Starting strong in a competitive industry, Merchant Chimp teamed up with us for SEO and web design. They launched a new merchant processor in a market tough to crack, where loyalty to existing providers was strong. Our first step was developing a visual identity and clear messaging to direct potential clients to consult with financial advisors.

Post-launch, our main focus was driving traffic to the revamped site. We crafted content that educated visitors about unnecessary fees on their merchant statements and demonstrated potential savings of up to 50% on monthly fees. This educational approach was one of the most important stepping stones in our success.

By the end of the third month, our content began significantly impacting organic search results—remarkable for a sector known for its costly keywords. Merchant Chimp’s growth, achieved without paid promotions, showcases how effectively digital marketing can scale even new businesses within just six months.

A man pointing at a blue floating statistic in front of him
You should leave industry-specific marketing to professionals

Industries Where Digital Marketing is Essential

If you are a business owner, you know that digital marketing is a critical component for success across numerous industries. From entertainment to healthcare, businesses are leveraging online platforms to connect with audiences more effectively than ever before.

The Entertainment Industry is A Stage for Digital Creativity

Did you know that in 2022 total global revenue for the entertainment and media industry grew by 5.4%, reaching $2.32 trillion? This shows that the industry is not slowing down. With that, its reliance on digital marketing has skyrocketed. The modern entertainment industry thrives on social media.
These platforms capitalize on digital marketing by creating visually captivating content distributed across social media to generate buzz and engage audiences. This focused approach demonstrates how integral social media and content marketing have become. So, if you want to thrive in this industry, consider using professional content writing services as well as social media ones.

The Moving Industry Puts Client’s Experience First

According to a Databox report, marketers have identified content marketing and SEO as delivering the highest return on investment. As a business owner of a moving company, keep this in mind. 

This sector is highly competitive, so investing in something that will give you an edge over competitors is a must. That’s why hiring professionals means focusing on personalizing the customer’s journey. From initial inquiry through post-move follow-up, using targeted ads, email campaigns, SEO-written content,  and interactive booking systems.

By leveraging social media platforms and SEO, moving companies can increase their visibility when potential customers are searching for relocation services. Additionally, online platforms enable movers to collect feedback efficiently, which helps improve service quality and customer satisfaction. By integrating these technologies, you not only simplify the moving process for customers but also build a reputation for reliability and customer care.

That being said, as a moving company business owner, you should consider using professional SEO services. If your company works within one city, using local SEO will set you apart from the competitors. 

The Healthcare Sector is All About Connecting Care with Patients Online

Did you know that in a 2022 survey in the US, 93% of healthcare marketers identified social media as their most utilized digital marketing channel? Through targeted online strategies, healthcare organizations can enhance patient interaction by providing accessible, relevant, and timely health information. This approach educates patients and empowers them to make informed health decisions.

Utilizing platforms like social media, blogs, and healthcare portals, providers can reach a wider audience, offer health tips, explain complex medical conditions, and update patients on new services or changes. Such tools not only improve patient engagement but also help in building trust and loyalty, which are crucial in the healthcare industry.

Fitness and Wellness Businesses Should Build Healthy Connections

Did you know that by 2026,  the digital fitness market is projected to grow to $26.55 billion? Here, influencers and targeted advertising play pivotal roles in shaping effective strategies. 

Targeted advertising complements these efforts by reaching specific demographics interested in health and fitness. Utilizing data analytics, fitness companies can tailor their ads to meet the unique preferences and needs of their potential customers, increasing the likelihood of conversion.

In the Auto Industry, Accelerating Sales Digitally is a Must

Did you know that car buyers most frequently visit third-party sites (79%), dealership websites (59%), used vehicle retailers (34%), and automakers’ own sites (33%)? Here main strategies emphasize personalization and customer engagement

Personalization allows automotive companies to tailor their communications and offers to individual consumer preferences, behaviors, and past interactions. This can involve customized email marketing, targeted ads based on browsing history, and personalized recommendations on websites.

Why Certain Industries Can’t Ignore Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing has become a cornerstone for industries aiming to maintain competitiveness and relevance in an increasingly online world. Let’s go over some of the industries that shouldn’t forget all online marketing benefits.

E-Commerce Should Compete in a Digital Marketplace

Through strategies like SEO, PPC advertising, social media, and email, e-commerce businesses can directly influence growth and cultivate customer loyalty. Professionally implemented strategies help businesses reach a broader audience. And since e-commerce sales rose by 7.8% in the third quarter of 2023 compared to the same quarter in 2022, you can tell that those businesses are only growing. 

Fashion Should Follow Trends Through Digital Channels

Did you know that more than 60% of online shoppers purchased items related to fashion, the highest percentage among all product categories? The industry thrives on visibility and trends through platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Pinterest. Digital marketing allows fashion brands to reach trend-sensitive audiences effectively, engage with them interactively, and convert them into loyal customers.

Legal Services Should Advocate Through Awareness

Did you know that 83% of law firms outsource their marketing efforts to external agencies? In this sector SEO digital marketing agency works on building a company’s reputation and trust with potential clients.

Through content marketing, social media, and SEO, law firms can highlight their expertise and share valuable legal insights. They also maintain a presence that resonates with their clients’ values and needs. This approach attracts new clients and establishes the firm’s credibility and authority in their specialized fields.

Magnifying glass and many words over black background, with the text SEO (Search Engine Optimization) written with golden letters. Internet marketing and web analytics concept. 3D illustration
With the right SEO marketing services, your business can thrive

How to Identify if Your Industry Needs Digital Marketing

Curious about whether your industry can benefit from professionally crafted strategies? Let’s play detective and uncover the clues.

Start by observing your competitors. What are they doing online? If they have a strong social media presence, engaging websites, and are top-ranked in search results, these are signs your industry values digital marketing. It’s not about keeping up, it’s about not being left behind.

Think about your customers, too. Are they online? Today, even local bakeries find customers tweeting about their croissants. If your customers are online, you should be there too, meeting them where they hang out. Also, know that data shows that almost 75% of customers are going to spend more money with a brand that provides online transparency. 

Measuring return on investment (ROI) can seem too complicated, but it’s like checking the scoreboard during a game—it tells you if you’re winning. Start simple:

Each metric gives you insights into what works and what doesn’t, guiding your investment decisions. For instance, if your online ad campaign led to a 20% sales bump, that’s a sign to double down.

Social media apps on a phone
 A digital advertising agency will know how to reach potential clients

Partner with Professionals to Elevate Your Online Presence

Nowadays, your online footprint is as crucial as your physical storefront. That’s why partnering with Made Online isn’t just an option – it’s a strategic imperative. We specialize in transforming your interactions into compelling stories that resonate with your audience. 

From enhancing your brand’s visibility to streamlining customer journeys, Made Online ensures every touchpoint is optimized. This isn’t just about being online. It’s about being made for success in a digital-first world.

The Advantages of Hiring a Digital Marketing Agency

The Made Online team believes in crafting strategies that resonate with your targeted audience. We dive deep into your business model to tailor strategies that increase visibility and drive meaningful engagement and conversions.

Also, since the online landscape is continuously evolving, so are we. Made Online’s commitment to continuous optimization ensures your digital campaigns stay relevant and effective. We use advanced analytics tools to monitor performance and make real-time adjustments, ensuring maximum ROI.

Our expertise in SEO, PPC advertising, social media, and content marketing is enhanced by sophisticated tracking and analytics systems. Those that provide actionable insights and allow for smarter, data-driven decisions that propel your business forward.

By partnering with Made Online, you’re not just hiring a digital marketing agency. You’re aligning with a team that is committed to your brand’s growth in the cyber realm. We make it our mission to ensure that your online presence is as dynamic and compelling as your business deserves.

seo tiles
A professional SEO agency can help your business grow

Contact Made Online Because Investing in Digital Marketing Is No Longer Optional

Investing in digital marketing is essential for modern business success. Having a notable online presence helps you reach wider audiences, engage more deeply with customers, and drive significant growth. Effective digital marketing leverages various channels, from SEO to social media, ensuring your business stands out in a crowded marketplace.

Yet, navigating the complex online landscape can be pretty tricky. This is where professional marketers from Made Online step in. By partnering with us, you benefit from tailored strategies that are aligned with your business objectives.

Don’t let your competitors outshine you online. Schedule a consultation with Made Online today, and let us help you craft a winning strategy that propels your business forward. Contact us now and start your journey towards digital excellence. Let’s make your brand unforgettable.

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