8 Benefits of SEO for Businesses

Anyone who runs a business nowadays should care about its digital presence and creating their brand voice. That’s why it’s of the essence to know the benefits of SEO and take advantage of them. More than 200 elements are included in Google’s ranking algorithm, so let’s check out the endless possibilities of SEO – search engine optimization.

The benefits of SEO are lead generation, boosted user experience, improved conversion rates, reinforced brand credibility, mobile optimization, long-term strategy, and increased social media visibility. It usually takes several months to notice the results of SEO tactics, but it’s worth it.

The Benefits of SEO for Small Businesses and Other Types of Companies

When you start implementing search engine optimization (SEO) with the help of an SEO marketing agency, it takes time to get noticeable results. You should keep in mind that this process is an ongoing one because the rules are constantly changing, and you need to keep up with them – following the changes in marketing trends is crucial. Although you may want to try to implement these strategies on your own to save money, keep in mind that it’s a complex and, above all – time-consuming process.

However, with the help of the best SEO agency and their SEO marketing services, you can reap all the benefits of SEO for small businesses available to you. The realm of search engine optimization is dynamic, and following up on all it has to offer will give you a competitive boost you might be lacking at the moment. You’ll be surprised how much can change in a few months if you’re consistent with your SEO efforts – your business will blossom.

It Also Supports Content Marketing on Your Website

Quality content marketing and optimization work hand in hand. So, when you’re on the lookout for a professional SEO agency, inquire about their other services and whether they offer content writing as well. You’ll want to get content writing combined with SEO services, as this has proven to bring the best results. It’s important to have it all when figuring out how to choose an SEO digital marketing agency.

Content created in the right way can be helpful for the visitors of your site, and it can include not only text in blog posts but also videos and images. Search engine optimization is important for your content because you’ll get the most out of it – it will work to support the content, allowing it to reach more users. The key lies in high-quality content combined with keyword optimization – and it’s also crucial to mention that the content needs to be constantly updated.

Made online SEO
Every second, Google processes around 99,000 search inquiries

#1 – It Will Be the Primary Source of Your Leads

If you’re wondering what the main sources of website traffic are, it’s search engines, and this stands for most industries. Using search engines is among the top five proactive ways through which users discover a brand. Google has more than 90% market share worldwide and 85% in the US, so to win at optimization, you should play by the rules set by Google

Whether we’re talking about B2B (Business to Business,) B2C (Business to Customer), or a non-profit organization, inbound strategies have proven to be the most successful sources of leads that get people to your website. These inbound strategies include SEO, content marketing, social media, and referrals.

Local SEO Encourages Local Users to Visit In-Person Your Business

It may seem that it’s unthinkable for a local business to keep up with big brands in the vast internet waters and that sticking with the conventional advertising options may work best for you. However, local information is the subject of over 45% of all Google searches, so each enterprise has an opportunity to shine on this search engine. Here is where your company can benefit from implementing local SEO:

  • Enhance the traffic on your website – Focus is on local users to encourage them to become potential customers, which results in sales.
  • Lower your advertising costs – If you research local consumers and combine that with good local optimization, you’ll get far better results for less money.
  • Gain a load of local reviews – Many potential customers will dedicate their time to reading an online review before making a purchase. So, employ an SEO services agency that provides local optimization and beat the competition.
  • Cross-promote and exchange links – Use the opportunity to cross-promote products and services with a competitor. It’s always a win-win situation and one of the best strategies for local enterprises. 
  • Appear in Google’s 3 pack – Get one of the greatest advantages of local optimization – you appear in the first three results for local searches of a keyword. 

#2 – It Creates a Better User Experience on the Website

There are several things used to maximize user experience. This includes videos to support texts, related photos, and relevant information for consumers. Incorporating videos can boost user engagement by 88%. However, what you should also focus on is a mobile-friendly configuration of the web pages and an easy-to-navigate website. Did you know that approximately 67% of consumers would repeat a purchase on a mobile-friendly website? Even animated sections on your pages should be optimized so Google can detect them. If an animation is not rendering well, it leads to a poor user experience. 

As you optimize your web page and all of its components, you will get more clicks, more leads, and higher conversion rates. Above all, you will get a much better brand recall. In 2021, Google added a core web vitals report into their Search Console, allowing for tracking page experience to web managers. This makes it easier to identify any SEO issues and page performance.

MadeOnline SEO
Around 75% of marketers believe their optimization strategy is extremely successful

#3 – This Marketing Strategy Improves Your Conversion Rates

Your site’s rankings can have a big impact on how many conversions you get. Your target market will quickly learn more about your company and the caliber of your work if you can hold onto the top spot for an extended period. Your credibility and reputation as a leader in your field will grow as a result.

It Also Leads to Better Close Rates

According to statistics, search engine optimization leads have a close rate of almost 15% on average, compared to 1.7% for outbound leads – because the engagement is uninvited, reaching out to customers (also known as outbound or cold leads) frequently ends with poorer conversion rates.

When a specialized agency takes matters into its own hands, it will bring you higher close rates. SEO leads are customers who have performed online research for your product or service with specified requirements and purposes. Because of this, the conversion rates are higher, and they become sales-qualified leads (SQL) and marketing-qualified leads (MQL).

MadeOnline SEO
When a mobile-friendly website loads in less than two seconds, conversion rates increase by 15%

#4 – Search Engine Optimization Brings Better Cost Management

Search engine optimization is and always will be the foundation of inbound marketing that is effective and successful. But besides its already mentioned advantages, following advertising trends and strategies can help you get better at cost management. You will also be able to conserve resources from many departments inside your enterprise. 

Lead Generation With Low Cost

According to various data on the internet, inbound lead generation will cost significantly less than outbound. It can even be over 60% more affordable.

More Affordable Advertising

You don’t need to spend money on pay-per-click advertising or promote your page if you already have a high rating. As long as users click your links, you will remain above the other results.

Pertaining Activities Which Are Cost-Effective

Management of social media, referrals, blog posts, and other advertising initiatives are all connected to inbound lead creation. Each of these is either inexpensive or free. On the other hand, outbound lead generation efforts can be fairly expensive and involve making calls, seeing clients, or direct selling.

#5 – It Will Build the Credibility of Your Brand

What proves to the consumers that you are one of the top brands in the industry is when you rank among the first three places in rankings. This is one of the most visible benefits of optimization – it improves your status online and suggests to consumers that what you offer is far better than what the competition has. 

On the contrary, if you rank very low, your targeted audience won’t even be able to find you. This may also signal that you lack expertise and credibility in the industry, which, in the end, may lead potential customers to reconsider your services and products. 

Use SEO to Establish Brand Awareness

It’s true what they say – one of the crucial elements in a product’s promotion is raising brand awareness. It’s the extent to which your brand is recognized in the targeted market, meaning that consumers become familiar with your service or products. If you implement SEO into your business, you will make sure that your services and products stand out and are easily found during organic searches. 

By remaining in the top-ranking places, you will get even more exposure to the targeted audience. It naturally leads to a higher possibility of your links being clicked, which then leads more users to your web page. Establishing the brand’s awareness will result in increased revenue and building your enterprise.

MadeOnline SEO
Organic search provides the best ROI of all the marketing channels, according to 49% of marketers

#6 – It Makes Websites More Mobile Friendly

Search engine optimization itself doesn’t make your web pages mobile-friendly. Instead, it requires an internet site that works and looks great on mobile devices. Since more than 65% of all internet traffic comes from smartphones and other mobile devices, the website’s optimization is crucial. Still, 73% of users have encountered websites that aren’t mobile-friendly.

If the site is not properly optimized, it will turn away some of the potential customers, and you might lose visibility in organic searches. Where all the advantages of optimization come in is when the looks and functionality of an internet site work flawlessly on screens of all sizes and shapes.

MadeOnline SEO
 If you update and republish old blogs, it can improve organic traffic by up to 106%

#7 – It’s a Long-Term Marketing Strategy

Optimization is a long-term marketing tactic, and an internet site must maintain its top position for at least six months. And while it may seem like a lifetime to reach the top ranks, it also takes time to fall from those positions. However, Google’s algorithm is always being updated, and your competitors are also working hard to improve their rankings.

You can continually enhance the optimization of your sites if you keep up with the most recent developments. There are other advantages you gain while implementing this technique, such as getting a share of the market. The actions that your leads can do include making a purchase, joining a club, or subscribing to a newsletter. Once this takes place, both your business and market share increase.

Also, it enables the coordination of all digital marketing efforts. Your campaigns will be successful if you use all of the digital strategies combined. You can improve your search engine rankings by engaging in activities like content and social media advertising, blogging, direct email, web management, eCommerce, and others.

#8 – It Helps You Increase the Number of Followers on Social Media

If you increase your organic search exposure, more people will become aware of your brand, and if your digital content is strong, they will view you as an authority in your industry. People will begin to follow your profiles in order to be the first to notice new developments.

After all, social media platforms are currently where most web users turn for the most recent information. Maintaining social engagement and interacting with your audience will also boost traffic, build reputation, and strengthen your overall optimization edge and rating.

MadeOnline SEO
Mobile device searches make up more than 60% of all Google searches

If You Want the Best SEO Results, Hire Professionals

Delving into SEO waters by yourself may prove to be a more complex task than you originally thought. But when you have professionals by your side, there’s nothing to worry about. So, leave the optimization to our experts at Made Online. We have outstanding experience in helping businesses just like yours grow and reach target audiences.

We have a team of social media and SEO experts, writers, and web developers who will gladly work with you one-on-one to reach your dreams, build your digital exposure, and grow your revenue. Contact us to learn more about what our team can offer you.

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