SEO for Tech Companies – Why It Matters?

SEO for Tech Companies - Why It Matters?

Competition is fierce in the tech industry – there’s no doubt about it. With well over half a million IT companies in the US alone, being seen and heard online can sometimes feel like sending interstellar messages into a black hole. In this digital space odyssey, SEO for tech companies can help you reach the stars, shining a light on the big things your business is all about.

The Tech World Might Be Fast-Paced but SEO Can Catch Up

Built on the constant stream of cutting-edge products and technologies, the world of tech seems to be developing at a faster pace than a bullet train. Ideas are multiplying by the second, and many of them get stuck in a web of algorithm updates, marketing trends, and many other factors that influence everyone’s favorite pastime – the notorious scroll. 

While Google takes up almost 92% of the global search, 75% of its users never bother to scroll past the first page. People are usually looking for quick answers, and keeping them engaged can be pretty tricky. It’s already a competitive playing field, but add the fast-paced nature of the IT industry into the mix, and you might start feeling like a dial-up modem in a 5G world. 

Google accounts for almost 92% of the global search engine market

Staying on Top of These Changes Brings Unique Opportunities

In this digital race, search engine optimization (SEO) can give you a competitive edge. That is, of course, if it’s done correctly. For your tech company to have a chance of reaching the top results, search engine optimization has to be on top of the latest trends and updates, constantly. 

For example, more than 20% of all queries made in the Google Mobile App are voice searches, creating a goldmine for those willing to switch things up. Alexa and Siri are becoming our new virtual BFFs – keeping things friendly by optimizing with them in mind can create a real digital jackpot. All in all, a proactive approach is where it’s at – hiring a professional SEO agency will show you that first-hand. 

20% of searches in the Google App are now done by voice.

What Is the Importance of SEO for Technology Companies?

For any small company trying to get its name out there, SEO is much more than a passing thought. It’s an outright necessity, helping you thrive in the dynamic environment of the search engine results pages (SERPs), especially when you’re trying to find your place in the global market. Here are the benefits of SEO for an IT company:

  • Building an online presence – successful ranking can help your potential clients find what you’re offering easily, getting people to your website organically
  • Improving lead generation – a solid strategy not only helps people reach your service or product but also increases their chances of buying it, 
  • Establishing domain authority – specifically developed IT company SEO can help you stand out from the rest as a thought leader and industry frontrunner, 
  • Enhancing website architecture – a well-structured website can help ranking, and it also has a positive impact on the overall user experience, 
  • Creating an effective long-term strategy – unlike mainly short-term strategies, such as pay-per-click advertising, SEO is a great way to create organic growth over time.

The advantages of optimizing your website and content can stretch even further, but these are the make-or-break perks of such strategies. To fully understand if it’s the right path for your company, ask yourself the following questions:

SEO can be particularly useful for outranking competition in the tech sector
SEO can be particularly useful for outranking competition in the tech sector

Targeting The Right Keywords With Content That Can Reach Some Promising Places 

Sometimes, implementing the right keywords into your content marketing strategy can make a world of difference. In-depth research can help you effectively reach both your target audience and the bots crawling all over your website, getting onto the algorithm’s good side

In the tech sector, the strategy for keyword research can be slightly different compared to the basic method of targeting terms with high search volume. You need to dive deep into the industry’s language. However, being a devoted techie will only get you so far – an experienced SEO services agency can really help point your efforts in the right direction. 

Part of why investing in SEO marketing services is a great step for any growing tech company out there is the fact that you’ll get quality, in-depth content. Creating content is much more than just implementing the right keywords and hoping for the best. There’s a healthy dose of optimizing at play, but it’s also about the value of information, the aspect that will engage your visitors further. 

A person off-screen writing a blog on their Mac computer
Writing engaging and quality content is a science in itself

A Well-Structured Website Can Help You Climb the Mountain of Search Results

When you open up a webpage and it’s all over the place, how likely are you to stay there? An organized and well-planned structure is definitely easy on the eyes. But this aspect goes well beyond mere user experience – it can have a significant ripple effect on the online visibility of your company.

With their intricate architectures, most websites from this sector pose a unique challenge when it comes to optimization. Technical SEO for IT companies deals with everything from code structure to user interface. It’s all about reaching the right people and enticing them to stay on your website just a little bit longer – cut to 3 AM, still reading your blog posts

90.63% of pages get no organic search traffic from Google

H1, H2, H3, H4 – Easily Overlooked but Can Go a Long Way

A well-structured website helps Google understand its content, purpose, and what you’re offering. Headings will not only give a good structure to the content available on your site but will help the crawling bots get all up into your HTML and figure out what your company is all about. In turn, the pages will be indexed faster, and your rankings will get a significant chance of reaching new heights. 

Sitemaps and Robots.txt Files – The Hidden Gems of SEO for Tech Companies

Structuring your web pages can do a lot for crawling efficiency. However, there are a few additional tricks up its sleeve – namely, the sitemap and robots.txt files. A sitemap is kind of like a tourist guide for search engines, displaying the content and structure of your website. They help to convince the bots that this is a promising “travel destination”, getting your pages to index more effectively. 

On the other hand, the robots.txt file is more like a traffic cop. It also communicates with these web-crawling bots, but its job is to signal which pages shouldn’t be indexed. This includes that notorious “Error 404” page we all know and dread. 

Knowing how to work the algorithm just right takes plenty of in-depth knowledge
Knowing how to work the algorithm just right takes plenty of in-depth knowledge

A Responsive And Fast Website Keeps the Users Engaged and Coming Back for More

Besides having good website architecture, responsive design is very important. It makes sure that all visitors navigate your company’s site easily, no matter the size of the screen they are on. Desktop, tablet, and mobile – you have to be on top of all of them. After all, when you’re in the tech sector, it’s a bit silly to force your users to zoom in and out on their phones constantly just to read a simple blog post. 

Just like most of us aren’t exactly fans of squinting our eyes as we scroll through a website, we don’t want to wait for too long either. A few seconds is all it takes to get you out of there. Today, it’s all about getting the information you need as quickly as possible, and website speed is an integral part of that. Here are the most important aspects that affect website speed:

  • Plugins and themes, 
  • Images, videos, and other media files, 
  • Coding and server-side scripts. 

But improving speed isn’t done by removing these elements from your website – it’s about knowing how to work around them. The right website development agency will have all the necessary tools to get you a quick, well-functioning site. Its importance can’t be underestimated – in a world where the average user takes half a second to form an impression of a just-opened webpage, literally every second counts. 

The probability of bounce increases 32% as page load time goes from 1 second to 3 seconds.

Solid Link Building Is A Great Way for Tech Companies To Establish Brand Authority

In the realm of the digital, one of the main goals of your company’s marketing efforts should be to establish brand authority. Backlinking is a great off-page SEO practice for this – getting links to your web pages from other sites will further prove to the crawling bots that you’re the real deal, helping to boost the online visibility of your business. 

Guest blogging, partnerships, and shareable content – all of these strategies can become great weapons when handled by someone who knows what they’re doing. 

Good link-building can get you on the algorithm's good side
Link building is a great way to further prove you’re a trustworthy source

The Journey to the Top Doesn’t Have To Be Hard and Lonely – Made Online Is Here To Help

When you’re not sure where to start, this whole ordeal might seem impossible to decode. Moreover, implementing just one aspect is not the way to go – a comprehensive strategy is where it’s at. 

Working with the right SEO agency can put all of that head-scratching to rest – climbing the search results is our daily grind. Contact us today at Made Online for a free consultation and website audit to find out how we can help on this journey – your ideas are worth it

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