Types of Written Content in Digital Marketing – What Works Best?

Types of Written Content in Digital Marketing - What Works Best?

In today’s digital age, content writing is a very powerful tool. Turning ordinary ideas into extraordinary connections bridges the gap between brands and audiences worldwide. However, not all text-based content is created equal – in fact, there are many different types of written content. We’ve compiled some of the most important ones to help you understand how to take your business to the next level.

Understanding the different types of written marketing content will help you know what works best for your particular field and the goals you want to achieve. Blog posts are the most popular form, but website copywriting is equally important for online presence. Then, there are social media posts, technical articles, case studies, reviews, and testimonials, each with its own purpose. Working with a professional advertising agency can help you generate content that will work best for your particular field. 

What Is Content Writing?

In the vast ocean of digital marketing, content writing is a whole tsunami. Each day, around 7.5 million blog posts are published, and as we’ll see later on, this is only one form of written content. In general, it stands as the most effective way to communicate with your target audience, blending creativity with some SEO prowess to create compelling content. 

This popular strategy in content marketing entails creating text-based digital media for various platforms, such as websites, social media, and blogs. Doing this effectively requires extensive research and a deep understanding of the intended audience. After all, with 77% of internet surfers being blog readers, riding this wave can be the groundwork of your success story. 

Why Is Written Content Important?

When done correctly, for example, by a professional content writing agency, it’s an effective way to build brand awareness, get people to your website, and achieve the desired results set by your digital marketing campaign. In this pursuit of enhancing your overall online presence, SEO articles can change the game, improving the search engine ranking of your website. As a result, making it easier for potential customers to find you. 

Digital online marketing commerce sale concept, Promotion of products or services through digital channels search engine, social media, email, website, Digital Marketing Strategies and Goals. SEO PPC
There’s plenty of ways you can boost your online presence

Blog Posts Are the Most Popular Types of Written Content

A good chunk of SEO marketing services are focused on creating blog posts, and there’s a good reason for that. Blog posts are the most popular text-based form because they’re a powerful tool that feeds search engines and drives traffic.

Therefore, they are a great strategy for bringing in new people, which is especially important for small businesses. But even beyond bringing in the benefits of SEO, blog posts can help you establish your brand as a thought leader in your industry and build long-lasting relationships with your audience. 

This Versatile Form Allows for Different Engagement Strategies

Blog posts are considered long-form content, usually somewhere between 1200 to 2500 words long. They include topics relevant to the industry in question, often with additional illustrations and other media formats, and are found in the blog section on a company’s website. Because they often include various other elements, responsive web design is crucial for creating a good reader experience. 

Blog posts can be educational, informative, or simply entertaining, depending on the industry and your overarching goals. There are so many different types of blog posts used in content marketing today, including the following:

  • How-to guides, 
  • Step-by-step guides, 
  • Listicles, 
  • Templates and checklists, 
  • Reports and statistics, 
  • Interviews, 
  • Company/product news.

Manual vs. AI-Generated Writing – How the Landscape Is Changing

As we’ve already discussed, content marketing is all about creating genuine engagement. Sure, AI-generated writing can save you a lot of time and, let’s face it, money. According to Semrush statistics, around 36% of companies who use AI report they spend no more than an hour on a blog post

But there’s more to this endeavor than simply filling out web pages. Manually written content brings in that touch of authenticity and genuine comprehension to create a connection with your target audience. With that in mind, hiring a digital SEO marketing agency to create blog posts can be your secret weapon to boosting your online presence and outshining the competitors. 

A person off-screen writing a blog on their Mac computer
 It still pays off to know how to write an engaging blog post

Website Copywriting Is There to Provide Clear Information to Your Potential Clients

Working with a website development agency is a must when building your online presence in a professional way. Once your site is up and running, you’ll need text-based pages to provide all necessary information to visitors clearly and concisely. Also, encourage them to engage with the brand by taking the desired steps. 

This is where website copywriting enters the picture, shaping the overall user experience on your website and conveying clear messages to your potential clients. Here, landing pages are crucial, and these, just like blog posts, require keyword research and local SEO. A good website should include the following:

  • Homepage, 
  • About Us, 
  • Product/Service Page, 
  • Contact Us, 
  • Customer Testimonials, 
  • FAQ.

Copywriting Can Also Be Used Specifically for Advertising a Product

In digital marketing, ad copywriting is the most common type of copywriting. You can see it everywhere – from Google Ads to website banners. This can be a pretty lucrative way to grab attention and persuade users to engage with your product. Buying is the ultimate goal, but this can also be used for other goals, such as generating subscriptions for email newsletters. 

Website planning. Web designer working on website sitemap. Flat lay
Clear messages and an organized structure is the way to go when designing a website

Writing Social Media Posts Is a Great Way to Engage Your Audience

There’s no doubt about it – social media is a huge part of our daily lives. Facebook, Instagram, X (it still feels weird saying it), LinkedIn, and, let’s not forget, TikTok – there’s so much potential here. By being so attractive to consumers, it serves as a promising ground for your digital marketing strategy. Without a doubt, it’s the best way to build a genuine relationship with your intended audience

It’s All About Creating Catchy Headlines and Compelling Visuals

Knowing how to write engaging social media posts on each platform can really resonate with your target audience. This is what an experienced social media management agency does best, presenting your brand in a very compelling way with its ever-watchful eye on the ever-changing marketing trends

To get traffic from social media, it’s all about capturing attention and being concise with your message. This is done by creating catchy headlines, implementing relevant hashtags, incorporating compelling visuals, and writing impactful captions. While platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn can be good for longer posts as well, this type of written content is usually short, simple, and informal. After all, you need to catch the attention of your average casual scroller. 

Social media apps on a phone
With social media being such a huge part of daily life, there’s so much potential here

Technical Content Writing Is Usually Done by Industry Professionals

Just like social media posts, technical writing needs to be clear and concise, but here, we’re dealing with complex, industry-specific information and, more often than not, longer formats. It’s mostly used in fields such as technology, science, engineering, healthcare, computer science, or finance. Various text-based forms are included in this category:

  • Reports, 
  • User manuals, 
  • Handbooks, 
  • Technical documentation, 
  • Policies and procedures. 

Clarity and accuracy – these are the most important characteristics of any technical content. To write it, you’ve got to have plenty of knowledge about the subject matter. Because of that, it’s mostly written by highly skilled industry professionals, and the target audience is usually pretty specific. 

A man using a Macbook Pro
The more serious, technical articles are usually written by an industry expert

Ebooks and White Papers Are Used to Further Demonstrate the Expertise of Your Business

Including technical writing can be a great way to show how experienced your business is. For this pursuit, there are plenty of other avenues you can take, with ebooks and white papers being pretty powerful lead generators. Once again, the author needs to have experience in the field, making them able to cover various topics and share valuable insights related to a specific service or product. 

Both white papers and ebooks can be offered as a free digital download, a premium feature for loyal subscribers, or, for improved SEO, published online as a PDF. These should be educational deep dives into specific topics backed up with thorough research and data. It’s a good practice to base these forms on your best-performing blog posts. That way, offering the white paper will serve as an upgrade to the existing content. 

SEO writing in a notebook
Forget about the pen and paper – ebooks are where it’s at

There Are Countless Ways to Bring Your Product Closer to the Target Audience

We’ve already mentioned advertisement copywriting as an effective way to launch a product and generate sales. However, there are many ways to shine a spotlight on what you’re offering, all while outshining the competition. Here are just a few effective strategies for influencing purchases:

Case Studies

Case studies provide real-life examples of how customers solved a particular problem or achieved their goals by using what you’re offering, be it a product or service. It should include a thorough analysis of the specific challenges you’re solving, as well as the results you’ve achieved. This is particularly useful when it comes to conversion rate optimization (CRO), as it proves value and highlights what makes you different from the rest.

Product or Service Reviews

About 90% of people say that online reviews sway their buying decisions one way or another, making them a pretty powerful tool in the digital landscape. In most cases, these reviews take the form of a blog post, as the author needs to provide a comprehensive and unbiased overview of the product or service. Good reviews should be thorough, with plenty of information about features, functionalities, and advantages.

Customer Testimonials

Testimonials are accounts of real-life customers who have used the product or service you’re offering. They are gathered by reaching out to satisfied clients and asking them to share their experiences. Just like case studies and reviews, testimonials serve to further showcase the credibility of your product, building trust with potential customers at the same time.

How to Choose the Written Content That Will Work Best for Your Business?

So many different factors play a part in creating the perfect strategy. However, what type of text-based content you should be using comes down to one crucial aspect – your target audience. Obviously, younger people will be more receptive to social media, while an older demographic might be more into long-form posts that display just how professional your business is. 

But this doesn’t mean you should go one way or another – in fact, diversifying your marketing efforts is the way to go. With a combination of different written forms and platforms, you’ll be able to effectively reach your target audience. Having a professional content marketing agency can be a true game-changer in this pursuit. 

Bounce rate concept word cloud background
Expand your strategy, and you will see organic growth

Reach All of Your Goals With the Best SEO Agency in the Game

Just from this simple overview, it’s pretty clear just how much the different types of written content are important to shine brightly in the digital landscape. If you’re wishing for high-quality blogs, posts, and similar essentials to appear on your website (and who doesn’t), a professional SEO agency like Made Online can help. 

Our team of experienced writers is known for creating engaging articles, no matter the topic. With the long-lasting results SEO can offer, we can take your business to the next level. Contact us today to find out how we can help on your digital journey (spoiler alert – it’s in more ways than one). 

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